
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Siddis –The Lost African In India

African tribes who were brought to India as a slave in 17th century by Portuguese were named siddis.They were lost African in India.Although they came at first as slaves, they were so successful as fighters that they at times usurped power from the rulers they were supposed to be serving. Yet they are now struggling at the margins of Indian society.
Without proper guidelines they don’t know how to lead the Life, their only income is traditional African-derived musical genre called "goma".Every Sunday they do rehearsal for the goma dance.
Siddis says that they were asked to perform dances in marriage functions, and government function since government believes that their goma dance is a Symbol Of Respect. They were also ready to spread their traditional dance if they are given a chance.
Thus Music is only key that can unlock their past.

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Indian Yogi Without Food and Water For Over 70 Years

In day to day life food and water has become one of the basic amenity of human being. Researcher says that a human can be without food and water for only about 12 days, in the case if he/she drinks water on the 8th day, but An 82 years old Indian Yogi named Prahlad Jani who is bestowed with wonderful capabilities by Indian goddess living without food and water for about 70 years.
Yogi claims that when he was eight years he lived in a cave where he was allegedly visited by an Indian goddess and bestowed him this capacity. since then he receives a magic nectar sent to him by goddess everyday through a special channel on the roof of his mouth which help him to survive.
Military doctor put the unique yogi under the round the clock observation. The observation concluded that Yogi’s brain cells are at the level of a 25-year old person, and his body is strong and young.
The doctors say they are dealing with a biological miracle because within 108 hours in the hospital he has not eaten or drunk and has not used a restroom even once. Doctor also added yoga practice caused biological changes in his body.
The doctors are hoping this case will help them to research the ways of survival in extreme conditions without food or water.

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